Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Discussion # 1

Why do you think Anne's dad was so upset about her being home late?
How was the restrictions and discrimination of the Jews comparable to events in America?
If you had to go into hiding with very short notice as Anne and her family did, what would you take?
What would you be thinking as your walking into hiding, not knowing what the end result will be?
Why do you think Annes having a hard time getting along with her mother and sister?

It seems to me that Anne is going thru adolescents, and has hormonal issues. Her sister seems like she stuck up or just not toe nice to Anne. Peter also adds to the problems with the young people in the attic. Too many young adults will difinetly lead to problems especially in such a stressful situation. I can relate to stressful situations when living with people. It is hard and takes a lot of patience.


  1. Going to a hiding place must be a very frightening especially knowing that you are hiding because someone is trying to cause you harm. If I were going to a hiding place, besides my family, I would take a book to keep me entertained and hopefully keep me sane. I would also take a journal with me to write down my thoughts and analyze my situation. Write down my fears and my hopes.

    I think that Anne does not get along with her mother because she feels that she is not being a mother to her. I think her mother has a deeper connection with her sister and therefore Anne is more attached to her father.

  2. Esmeralda-I agree she does seem to connect more with her father.

    Tracie- well said, I agree, although there is discrimination here, it doesnt conmpare to the holocaust.

  3. Why do you think Anne's dad was so upset about her being home late?
    Her parents already were aware of the great harm that was coming thier way.
    If you had to go into hiding with very short notice as Anne and her family did, what would you take?
    I would take my bible and my babies pictures.
    What would you be thinking as your walking into hiding, not knowing what the end result will be?
    I would be terrified and probably hysterical or very upset at the least.

  4. Anne's father didn't want her out late because Jews had to be in their houses by a certain time and if not in their houses then they risked being killed even sooner. If I had to go into hiding I would take my two boys, pictures, food, and toys for them to play with. If i had to go into hiding not knowing my fate I would be terrified of not knowing if I was going to live or die nut at the same time I would need to be stong for my boys.
