Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Discussion #2

Page 41-95
1. If you were in hiding, how would you feel about you all accepting an 8th person into the attic?
2. Why do you think the tension in the house continues to grow?
3. To what do you contribute Annes declining relationship with her mother to?
4. If you were in hiding would you or would you not want to hear details about the grim reality going on around you?
5. Why does everyone in the house seem to dislike Anne?


  1. 1. If you were in hiding, how would you feel about you all accepting an 8th person into the attic?I would go against it. It adds greater risk and less resources for them.
    2. Why do you think the tension in the house continues to grow? The people in the house are getting scared and they all know the war is getting bad.
    3. To what do you contribute Annes declining relationship with her mother to? I think Annes going through a phase, just as her dad says.
    4. If you were in hiding would you or would you not want to hear details about the grim reality going on around you? I wouldent want to, but i would probably have to, to face reality.
    5. Why does everyone in the house seem to dislike Anne? She going through puberty and is proabably annoying and moody.

  2. 1. If you were in hiding, how would you feel about you all accepting an 8th person into the attic?
    As a child I would not accept an 8th person because it will be riskier, but as an adult analyzing the situation, the humane thing to do is to help another person in need. Having another person in the secret place is definitely risky. The person has to be aware that life will be difficult. One you are only allowed certain hours to move around and continue to live life as normal as possible. Being in such a place with seven other people and having different views is challenging and conflicts with one another tend to rise.

    2. Why do you think the tension in the house continues to grow?
    I believe the tension in the house continues to grow mainly because everyone in the secret annex has a different personality and views. There are five adults and three adolescents this itself makes it a problem. Also I believe tension grows because when people argue there is no place were one can separate him or herself from the others. They have to deal with one another whether they like it or not.

    3. To what do you contribute Annes declining relationship with her mother to?
    Anne’s relationship with her mother is not an easy to explain. Anne does not get along with her mother simply because she feels that her mother is not being a mother to her. Anne feels that her mother does not understand her and never has. She does not feel her maternal love. There have been times when her mother tries to reach her and Anne turns her away in a way that hurts her feelings.

    4. If you were in hiding would you or would you not want to hear details about the grim reality going on around you?
    I would like to be informed about what is going on around me especially if my people are the ones being targeted. However, knowing too much information can make you think too much and lose your mind.

    5. Why does everyone in the house seem to dislike Anne?
    I would not say that everyone dislikes Anne, but maybe disagree with her remarks. Anne is just a child and like one she cannot relate or understand the grown ups. Anne is basically selfish.

  3. During the story Ann and her family have been hiding out in the attic and have realize that the only chance for survival is to conserve their resources and to learn to depend on each other if there is any chance for survival. as it is tension and stress levels are high due to the fear of them not knowing when the war will end and when the nazis will relieve any restrictions that they have place on the jews. the family knows that there has been rumors of the nazis brutally killing their people and that instills a fear in them to strive to keep in hiding without been caught. the need for survival is instinct and for years people have gone through many trials and risks to survive through dangerous times. back in the 1800s slaves would risk their whole life to escape from their masters to redeem freedom. they knew if there was any chance for survival they would have to risk everything to escape to the underground railroads to reach freedom. present day survival is mimically the same with the economic downfall, although it has been stated we are in the recession stage there are many families who were left homeless due to the economy. while some families have manage to resume to their prior lifestyles there are many families left to rely on government assistance to aid in the survival of feeding, clothing, and sheltering their families. families have also been left to learn to survive due to unfortunate weather events such as floods,hurricanes, and earthquakes. the need and strive for survival is everlasting and comes in many shapes and forms but exists everywhere everyday

  4. 1. If you were in hiding, how would you feel about you all accepting an 8th person into the attic? If i knew it could save someone elses life I would be willing to let another person stay with us.
    2. Why do you think the tension in the house continues to grow? tensions can go but that is because there is no freedom and everyone had to stay in the same house day after day.
    3. To what do you contribute Annes declining relationship with her mother to? Becasue her mother saw her relationship with her daughters as more of a friendship and Anne wanted a mother not a friend, and Anne tells a story when she was younger that she rode her bike to the dentists along with her sister and mother when she was finished at the dentist they said they were going shopping Anne wanted to go but they told her no because she had her bike she began to cry and her mother and sister began laughing at her this is something that always stays with Anne.
    4. If you were in hiding would you or would you not want to hear details about the grim reality going on around you? I would want to know because there could be hope and days of hiding might be over, or if things got worse I would want to prepare because I had details given to me.
    5. Why does everyone in the house seem to dislike Anne? Anne is just misunderstood because she is the youngest in the house and as a child anyone can be a pain to others, but after nearly two years Anne has grown and matured into a young women and she begins to see thing differently than before, she even seems smarter and to understand the world better than the adults.
